Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Regeneration of Fore Street

Paul, owner of a business on Fore Street, told me he wouldn't like to have this main thoroughfare of Saltash pedestrianised. He says he gets a lot of business from passing trade. Helen, shop owner on Fore Street, suggested making Fore Street a one way 'slow' street and having 'drive in' head-on parking bays all the way down the town with wider pavements. 

What do *you* think? How can we give our local shops the best chance to thrive? 

Play Areas

How would you like our play areas to look?

Here is our elder daughter enjoying the climbing frame in Longstone Park.
She loves it there ! If only all the play areas in Pill ward were as fabulous. 

* Which play areas do you think Saltash Town Council should focus its efforts on? 
* And what kind of equipment would you like to see? 

All suggestions gratefully received !